Vendor Infra

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that's right for your business


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Company & Vendor both


Specially designed for companies


₹7,999/monthly (billed annually)
  • Manage Company Profile
  • Search Multiple Vendors
    Upto 3 Sectors
  • Publish Tenders & RFP
    Access & Publish
  • Material Procurement
  • Financing & Insurance
  • Buy, Sell & Hire Plants & Equipment
  • Enterprise Services - Sub Contracting Bidding, Market Entry
  • Sector Intelligence & SOR Database Access
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Industry updates
  • Online Collaborate with Vendors
  • Automated Notifications
  • Exportable Reports
  • Single User Login
  • Priority Support
  • Dedicated Account Manager


₹9,999/monthly (billed annually)
  • Manage Company Profile
  • Search Multiple Vendors
    All Sectors
  • Publish Tenders & RFP
    Access & Publish
  • Material Procurement
  • Financing & Insurance
  • Buy, Sell & Hire Plants & Equipment
  • Enterprise Services - Sub Contracting Bidding, Market Entry
  • Sector Intelligence & SOR Database Access
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Industry updates
  • Online Collaborate with Vendors
  • Automated Notifications
  • Exportable Reports
  • User Login (1+3 Team Members)
  • Priority Support
  • Dedicated Account Manager


Contact us
  • Manage Company Profile
  • Search Multiple Vendors
    All Sectors
  • Publish Tenders & RFP
    Access & Publish
  • Material Procurement
  • Financing & Insurance
  • Buy, Sell & Hire Plants & Equipment
  • Enterprise Services - Sub Contracting Bidding, Market Entry
  • Sector Intelligence & SOR Database Access
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Industry updates
  • Online Collaborate with Vendors
  • Automated Notifications
  • Exportable Reports
  • Multiple User Login
  • Priority Support
  • Dedicated Account Manager

Specially designed for vendors


₹7,999/monthly (billed annually)
  • Manage Company Profile
  • Search Multiple Projects
    Upto 3 Sectors
  • Quote Projects & RFP
  • Material Procurement
  • Financing & Insurance
  • Buy, Sell & Plants & Equipment
  • Enterprise Services - Sub Contracting Bidding, Market Entry
  • Sector Intelligence & SOR Database Access
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Industry Updates
  • Online Collaborate with Companies
  • Automated Notifications
  • Exportable Reports
  • Single User Login
  • Priority Support
  • Dedicated Account Manager


₹9,999/monthly (billed annually)
  • Manage Company Profile
  • Search Multiple Projects
    All Sectors
  • Quote Projects & RFP
  • Material Procurement
  • Financing & Insurance
  • Buy, Sell & Plants & Equipment
  • Enterprise Services - Sub Contracting Bidding, Market Entry
  • Sector Intelligence & SOR Database Access
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Industry Updates
  • Online Collaborate with Companies
  • Automated Notifications
  • Exportable Reports
  • User Login (1+3 Team Members)
  • Priority Support
  • Dedicated Account Manager


Contact us
  • Manage Company Profile
  • Search Multiple Projects
    All Sectors
  • Quote Projects & RFP
  • Material Procurement
  • Financing & Insurance
  • Buy, Sell & Plants & Equipment
  • Enterprise Services - Sub Contracting Bidding, Market Entry
  • Sector Intelligence & SOR Database Access
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Industry Updates
  • Online Collaborate with Companies
  • Automated Notifications
  • Exportable Reports
  • Multiple User Login
  • Priority Support
  • Dedicated Account Manager
Company & Vendor both

Specially designed for companies & vendors both


₹11,999/monthly (billed annually)
  • Manage Company Profile
  • Search Multiple Vendors
    Upto 3 Sectors
  • Publish Tenders & RFQ
    Access & Publish
  • Search Multiple Projects
    Upto 3 Sectors
  • Quote Projects & RFP
  • Material Procurement
  • Financing & Insurance
  • Buy, Sell & Hire Plants & Equipment
  • Enterprise Services - Sub Contracting Bidding, Market Entry
  • Sector Intelligence & SOR Database Access
  • Access & Publish
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Industry Updates
  • Online Collaborate with Companies & Vendors
  • Automated Notifications
  • Exportable Reports
  • Single User Login
  • Priority Support
  • Dedicated Account Manager


₹14,999/monthly (billed annually)
  • Manage Company Profile
  • Search Multiple Vendors
    All Sectors
  • Publish Tenders & RFQ
    Access & Publish
  • Search Multiple Projects
    All Sectors
  • Quote Projects & RFP
  • Material Procurement
  • Financing & Insurance
  • Buy, Sell & Hire Plants & Equipment
  • Enterprise Services - Sub Contracting Bidding, Market Entry
  • Sector Intelligence & SOR Database Access
  • Access & Publish
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Industry Updates
  • Online Collaborate with Companies & Vendors
  • Automated Notifications
  • Exportable Reports
  • User Login (1+3 Team Members)
  • Priority Support
  • Dedicated Account Manager


Contact US
  • Manage Company Profile
  • Search Multiple Vendors
    All Sectors
  • Publish Tenders & RFQ
    Access & Publish
  • Search Multiple Projects
    All Sectors
  • Quote Projects & RFP
  • Material Procurement
  • Financing & Insurance
  • Buy, Sell & Hire Plants & Equipment
  • Enterprise Services - Sub Contracting Bidding, Market Entry
  • Sector Intelligence & SOR Database Access
  • Access & Publish
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Industry Updates
  • Online Collaborate with Companies & Vendors
  • Automated Notifications
  • Exportable Reports
  • Multiple User Login
  • Priority Support
  • Dedicated Account Manager
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      Vendor Enterprise


        Company & Vendor Enterprise