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Role of Technology in construction & Infrastructure industry

Role of Technology in Building India’s Infrastructure and Construction Industry

With a vision of economic development and the aim of achieving a $5 trillion economy by 2026-2027, the Indian government has been focusing on Infrastructure development. Infrastructure development is a key driver of economic growth and plays a crucial role in shaping the country’s future.

Technology has brought drastic changes in India’s Infrastructure and the Construction industry in recent years. The integration of technology in the infrastructure sector has brought about numerous advantages, such as enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. The sector largely depends on the use of technology in the design, planning, and implementation of infrastructure projects.

 In this article, we will analyze the role of technology in building India’s infrastructure and construction industry. We will examine the benefits of technological advancements in the construction industry and how digitization has positively impacted the infrastructure sector.

Benefits of technology application:

  1. Enhanced efficiency:

One of the primary benefits of technology application in the construction industry is the enhancement of efficiency. The usage of digital tools like 3D modeling and Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology has significantly improved the efficiency of the construction process. BIM enables the creation of accurate 3D models of a building, allowing project managers and engineers to test and simulate different design scenarios.

The applications of BIM during the designing phase of an infrastructure project streamline the construction process and can detect errors and flaws that may arise later on. This prevents rework and reduces project delays, resulting in higher efficiency in the construction process.

  1. Reduction in project costs:

The usage of technology in the construction industry has brought about significant reductions in project costs. Digitization of construction activities not only eliminates the cost of human error but also cuts down on the waste of material and reduces project timelines. The use of BIM technology enables project managers and engineers to analyze different design options based on the cost implications, which allows them to make informed decisions regarding the use of materials and labor costs.

According to a report by KPMG, the adoption of digitization in India’s infrastructure and construction industry could result in a 40% reduction in project costs. This demonstrates the significant impact technology application can have on the sector.

  1. Improved safety measures:

With the use of digital tools and technologies, there is an opportunity to improve safety measures in the construction industry. The development of wearables, the Internet of Things (IoT), and drones equipped with cameras can enhance security and reduce the chances of accidents on construction sites.

Wearables can be used to monitor the physical condition of workers to ensure they are not engaging in excessive manual labor. IoT sensors can be used to detect hazards and monitor site conditions, ensuring that the project site is safe for workers as well as visitors.

  1. Better project management:

Digitization has significantly enhanced project management in the construction industry, allowing for better coordination among various stakeholders. Project management tools like task-management applications, and B2B digital collaboration software have made it easier to track progress, monitor budgets, and schedule work, find vendors & suppliers for the project.

The use of these tools allows for transparency and effective communication, and ensures that all parties involved in the project are up to date on the progress being made. This reduces the risk of duplication of work and allows stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding the project’s direction.

Role of technology in the construction of infrastructure:

  1. Smart cities:

The Indian government’s Smart Cities Mission includes the development of 100 smart cities across the country aimed at improving the quality of life of the citizens. Technology is a significant factor in the development of these smart cities. The integration of technology into urban infrastructure can improve public services such as transportation, waste management, and public safety.

Smart cities are built on digitization, with technologies such as IoT, Big Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used in the development of the infrastructure to improve the lives of the residents. The implementation of technology-focused urban infrastructure could result in an increase in job creation and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

  1. Transportation Infrastructure:

Technology has played a crucial role in the development of transportation infrastructure in India.  India has the second-largest road network in the world, with a total length of 63,72,613 kilometers. The development of smart highways, consisting of the integration of IoT sensors, has enhanced road safety and improved traffic flow.

The government has launched various initiatives such as Bharatmala Pariyojana aimed at improving logistics efficiency through the construction and up-gradation of highways and roads. It has also proposed the National Hydrogen Mission, which aims to develop hydrogen fuel cells as an alternate fuel for the transportation sector.

  1. Housing infrastructure:

The development of affordable housing is a critical aspect of the Indian government’s infrastructure policies. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban aims to provide affordable housing for the urban poor through the use of technology and digitization.

The government has launched multiple initiatives such as the use of pre-cast technology in the construction of affordable houses to reduce the costs and construction timelines.

  1. Energy infrastructure:

The development of renewable energy sources is crucial in the fight against climate change. The Indian government has set an ambitious target of achieving 450 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030. The usage of technology, including IoT and AI-powered smart grids, has played a crucial role in the development of renewable energy infrastructure.

The deployment of digital metering technologies and smart grids can enhance energy management and improve the reliability and efficiency of the grid. This can reduce energy wastage and contribute to a greener energy ecosystem.

Technology has brought about significant progress in India’s infrastructure and construction industry, enabling the country to build world-class infrastructure and achieve significant economic growth. The adoption of digital solutions has resulted in higher efficiency, reduced project costs, and better safety measures on construction sites. The integration of technology in infrastructure projects has resulted in the creation of smart cities, efficient transportation systems, and affordable housing.

To achieve sustainable growth, it is crucial for the government to continue its focus on digitization and encourage the use of emerging technologies in infrastructure and construction projects. A conducive environment must be created, encouraging innovation and research, to enable the development of next-gen technologies in the construction industry, and enhance India’s infrastructure.

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